How to Get the Buyer’s Perspective on your Property

When you walk through the front door of your home, you have a very different experience than a buyer would. You see the familiar. You see the memories. You see your life. In fact, you might even wonder why anyone would hesitate to fall instantly in love with your home.

Getting an Early Start on Selling your Home

You’ve probably heard the expression, “The early-bird gets the worm.” It refers, of course, to those who get in early and reap the rewards. For example, if you arrive early to a retail store for a big blowout sale, you’re likely to get the deals before the inventory runs out. The stragglers who come later will miss out.

How to Avoid the #1 Cause of Seller Stress

Do you know what causes the most common source of stress when selling your home? Is it scheduling buyer viewings? Is it the length of time it takes for your property to sell? Is it an offer that falls through?