Charging Electric Cars at Home

As sales of electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrid/electric vehicles (HEVs) increase every year, purchasers will demand greater accessibility to charging stations. Of course, the most convenient place to recharge is at home.

How Your Home’s Market Value is Calculated?

Here’s a surprising statistic. Less than 30% of window replacements are the result of the old windows being Imagine you’re shopping for a used iPhone 11 that’s in good condition. You visit a resale website and discover that most are selling for approximately $350. Would you be willing to pay $400? Probably not. The market value is obviously well-established. There would be no reason to pay more.

How to Get the Buyer’s Perspective on your Property

When you walk through the front door of your home, you have a very different experience than a buyer would. You see the familiar. You see the memories. You see your life. In fact, you might even wonder why anyone would hesitate to fall instantly in love with your home.

Selling your Home and those Two Little Voices

When you’re shopping for a new car or anything else that impacts you personally, you probably have two little voices chatting in your head. The first is saying, “This is what I want.” The second is asking, “Can I really afford this?”

Getting an Early Start on Selling your Home

You’ve probably heard the expression, “The early-bird gets the worm.” It refers, of course, to those who get in early and reap the rewards. For example, if you arrive early to a retail store for a big blowout sale, you’re likely to get the deals before the inventory runs out. The stragglers who come later will miss out.

Are You Listing Before a Repair or Fix-Up is Done?

If you’re thinking of selling your home, you may have walked through it and discovered that you’ve been ignoring work that needs to be done to make your home look its best. For example, you may have been living with a cracked floor tile that needs to be fixed, or a damaged closet door that requires replacement.

Leverage the Power of “Done” to Achieve Goals

During a marathon, organizers typically set up signs along the route to indicate distances completed. For example, one might say, “You’ve just finished 4K!” They do that for two reasons: to let runners know where they are; and, to motivate them.