How to Get the Buyer’s Perspective on your Property

When you walk through the front door of your home, you have a very different experience than a buyer would. You see the familiar. You see the memories. You see your life. In fact, you might even wonder why anyone would hesitate to fall instantly in love with your home.

Getting an Early Start on Selling your Home

You’ve probably heard the expression, “The early-bird gets the worm.” It refers, of course, to those who get in early and reap the rewards. For example, if you arrive early to a retail store for a big blowout sale, you’re likely to get the deals before the inventory runs out. The stragglers who come later will miss out.

Are You Listing Before a Repair or Fix-Up is Done?

If you’re thinking of selling your home, you may have walked through it and discovered that you’ve been ignoring work that needs to be done to make your home look its best. For example, you may have been living with a cracked floor tile that needs to be fixed, or a damaged closet door that requires replacement.

How To Choose the Right Photos When Selling Your Home

They say a picture speaks a thousand words. That’s certainly true in real estate. Sure, property descriptions are vitally important, but photos are essential. Especially these days, when so many people view listings online, the right photos can mean the difference between a buyer becoming interested in your property or moving on to the next listing.

DIY – Friendly Bathroom Makeovers

Want to make your bathroom look fantastic without having to do a major renovation? There are a lot of projects you can do yourself. In fact, there are some improvements you can get done in less than a day that will transform the look and feel of your bathroom. Check out these ideas!

Beware of Over-Downsizing or Over-Upsizing

Buying a new pair of shoes is relatively easy. Once you find the style you like, all you need to do is try them on and see if they fit. If they do, you go to the cash register and pay. When it comes to size, buying a new home can be trickier! Whether your intention is to upsize or downsize, figuring out the right size can be especially challenging.